About Us
A company conceived by micromobility veterans whose mission it is to solve the industry's biggest problems in order to unlock the true potential for micromobility.
/ Why Us?

Our Mission

To pioneer the use of computer vision and AI in micromobility vehicles with the goal of becoming the industry standard for rider safety and regulatory compliance while creating a unique marketplace for mobile sensor data insights

Our Team

Alex Nesic

Chief Business Officer

Christian Scheder-Bieschin

Chief Executive Officer

Jamie Ahmed

Chief Technology Officer

Max Scheder-Bieschin

Chief Financial Officer

Usama Fayyad

CEO of Open Insights
Former Chief Data Officer at Yahoo

Craig Flower

Former CTO at Tri-Net

Vijay Sammeta

CEO of Civic Foundry
Former CIO for City of San Jose

John Rossant

CEO of CoMotion
Chairman of New Cities Foundation

Founding Team

Video Testimonials

To build a technology platform that elevates the micromobility industry and ties into the smart city eco-systems.

Carlos Cruz-Casas - Miami-Dade Dept of Transportation & Public Works
James Delgado - Blue Systems
Impact thesis

We accelerate an electric
transportation future

We will reduce urban congestion

Drover AI is better and more cost-effective at addressing urban congestion—by encouraging the use of LEVs for commuter and urban delivery.

We allow LEV operators to meet their potential

By achieving better operating margins, LEV operators can sustainably scale their businesses and aid in the growth OFsmart cities.

We can help take out 20M tons of CO2 by 2025

That’s the equivalent of taking 3.2 million gas cars off the road!